We invite you to a film screening of the recently released Where Olive Trees Weep, Wednesday, July 31, 6:30 pm at The Evergreen State College (TESC), 2700 Evergreen Pkwy NW, Olympia, in Seminar 2, B1105.
This event, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Center for Community Based Learning & Action (CCBLA) at Evergreen, the Rachel Corrie Foundation, JVP Olympia, and TESC Divest. The film will be followed by a short discussion.
Where Olive Trees Weep offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation.
The film follows Palestinian journalist and therapist Ashira Darwish, grassroots activist Ahed Tamimi, Israeli journalist Amira Hass, Dr. Gabor Maté, and others, to explore themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice and collective liberation.