The Rachel Corrie Foundation proudly supports the 2005 Palestinian
call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions. We are committed to the
global BDS movement for Palestinian equal rights.
In our work, we have been witness to the lack of intention or will on the part of the Israeli and U.S. Governments to secure freedom, equality, self-determination and security for all in historic Palestine, and the inability of the international community to do so. We are keenly aware of Palestinians who have lived under oppression for over six decades. Step by step, action by action, we must build support for justice and equality for all in Palestine — support that government leaders will not be able to dismiss. Rachel Corrie took a stand in March 2003 for a Palestinian family whose home was threatened with demolition. We believe that the millions throughout the world who have dedicated their time and energy to the BDS movement stand in the same way as they take to the grassroots to say, “Enough.”
We welcome you to join us!
Use the “BDS” menu above to explore the history of the BDS movement and ways that you can become involved in the fastest growing international campaign for Palestinian equal rights.