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London: Night of entertainment to raise funds for Gaza

In London Cheeky Maggot Productions Host: A Benefit Gaza Saturday, 28 February At The Cockpit Theatre , NW8 BEH Raising fiunds for: + MAP ( Medical Aid for Palestinians)  + The Rachel Corrie Foundation 6.30pm- Foyer Events: + Palestinian Refugee Children's Art Exhibition +Fair trade produce from Zaytoun +Traditonal  sweets and snacks + A chance […]

The Mid East Focus Initiative to raise cash for Gazan hospital

Now More Than Ever, Gaza's Ahli Hospital Needs Our Help A Palestinian editor, a Lutheran bishop and an international law attorney will be featured at a community fundraiser for Ahli Hospital in Gaza, to be held at 7 pm Saturday, March 14, at St. Mark's Cathedral in Seattle. Location: Saint Mark's Cathedral 1245 Tenth Avenue […]

Memorial event for Rachel in Montgomery, Alabama

Sent from event organizers: Upcoming Event: 7 p.m., 16th March, 2009, Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.A. Does that date ring a bell? On that day, it will have been 6 years since Rachel was killed, and there has still been no full and fair investigation. In the meantime, thousands more Palestinians have died. We might hope that […]

Recognizing the rising civilian death toll in Iraq

Representing the desire for peace and reconciliation, the Iraq Memorial to Life is a display of markers for documented civilian deaths following the US-led invasion in March 2003.You can see it in Olympia this month. The ongoing loss of civilian lives in Iraq is alarming and incomprehensible. Most Americans do not know how extensive the […]