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In Seattle: Showing of ‘The Iron Wall’ and discussion

Friday, February 6, 2009, 7:00-9:30 PM WHAT: Friday Nights At the Meaningful Movies FILM: “The Iron Wall” at 7 PM DISCUSSION: Cindy and Craig Corrie, parents of Rachel Corrie will be among those in attendance for a discussion of the subject prior to the showing at 6:30 PM LOCATION: Keystone Congregational United Church of Christ […]

London: Night of entertainment to raise funds for Gaza

In London Cheeky Maggot Productions Host: A Benefit Gaza Saturday, 28 February At The Cockpit Theatre , NW8 BEH Raising fiunds for: + MAP ( Medical Aid for Palestinians)  + The Rachel Corrie Foundation 6.30pm- Foyer Events: + Palestinian Refugee Children's Art Exhibition +Fair trade produce from Zaytoun +Traditonal  sweets and snacks + A chance […]

The Mid East Focus Initiative to raise cash for Gazan hospital

Now More Than Ever, Gaza's Ahli Hospital Needs Our Help A Palestinian editor, a Lutheran bishop and an international law attorney will be featured at a community fundraiser for Ahli Hospital in Gaza, to be held at 7 pm Saturday, March 14, at St. Mark's Cathedral in Seattle. Location: Saint Mark's Cathedral 1245 Tenth Avenue […]

Memorial event for Rachel in Montgomery, Alabama

Sent from event organizers: Upcoming Event: 7 p.m., 16th March, 2009, Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.A. Does that date ring a bell? On that day, it will have been 6 years since Rachel was killed, and there has still been no full and fair investigation. In the meantime, thousands more Palestinians have died. We might hope that […]