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SPECIAL EVENT: Day of action on Caterpillar and human rights

Friends of Palestine, The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, and the Corrie Family Call for Courtroom Support and a Vigil Presence For Oral Arguments in the Case Corrie, et al., v. Caterpillar At the US Court of Appeals in Seattle Park Place Building, 1200 6th Avenue (6th Avenue and Seneca St.) Downtown Seattle […]

Day in court: Caterpillar appeal

Members of Rachel Corrie's family and friends took part in a vigil and informational flyering July 9 as the family as the oral arguments in the case against Caterpillar got under way the in the US Court of Appeals at the Park Place Building in downtown Seattle. The Center for Constitutional Rights (representing the Corrie […]

Background information on families vs. Caterpillar

The case of Corrie et al. v. Caterpillar, Inc. may seem confusing at first, but the Center for Constitutional Rights has put together a well-developed and highly readable backgrounder piece together at its website that clearly explains both the arguments and their merits. Find amendment complaints, plaintiff opposition statements, precedent rulings and more. Synopsis This […]

Palestinian doctor talks about situation in Gaza

Sunday, June 17, 7:00pmTraditions Café 300 5th Ave SW, Olympia, WA FREE – Donations gladly acceptedDr. El-Farra, a Palestinian physician, activist, and mother, founded the Rachel Corrie Children and Youth Cultural Center in 2003. She is the Director of Gaza Projects for the Middle East Children’s Alliance, serves as a health development consultant for the […]