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Marc Ellis: Toward a Jewish Theology of Liberation

On Friday, October 29th and Saturday, October 30th, Marc Ellis, noted Jewish theologian and philosopher will be speaking at Evergreen State College and in Olympia, Washington. Professor Ellis has called for a shared Jewish-Palestinian project "for justice and ethics, for risk-taking to achieve what seems unachievable" through "solidarity with the Palestinian struggle." He is a […]

Peace Works: Save the Date! April 8-9, 2011

The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace & Justice presentsPeace Works 2011: Solidarity in Action Rachel Corrie's legacy inspires people around the world to create positive, nonviolent change in their communities. The Peace Works series of events and conferences honor that legacy by linking action to critical thought, community organizing, and personal reflection. This year's Peace […]

Voice of the Voiceless: Reporting from Gaza with Mohammed Omer

Mohammed Omer, award-winning journalist and photographer, will appear in Voice of the Voiceless – Reporting from Gaza, Saturday, February 26, 3 PM, at First Christian Church, 701 Franklin Street SE, in downtown Olympia. He will speak about structural violence in Gaza and report on his recent experience traveling between there and Egypt. Omer was born […]

M16: Remembering Rachel Corrie and All Who Work for Justice in the Middle East

On the eighth anniversary of the death of Rachel Corrie – the Olympia woman crushed to death by an Israeli military Caterpillar bulldozer as she stood protecting a Palestinian family’s home in Gaza – we come together to remember Rachel and to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people who continue to suffer under Israeli […]