If your organization is seeking co-sponsorship or help with publicizing your event, please submit your request by filling out the following form.
Friday, April 25, 2008, 5-9pmSaturday, April 26, 2008, 12-4pm
Alley next to 211 4th Avenue East, Olympia, WA
Come and paint a tile that will be permanently displayed in the Olympia-Rafah Mural on the Olympia Labor Temple building. Add your voice for peace, in the form of a painted ceramic olive leaf, which will be one of many leaves of a giant painted olive tree. Visually express solidarity with our sister city of Rafah, in the Gaza Strip, and your desire for peace in the middle east — no experience necessary!
Come Check us out! We’ll be in the Alley between Last Word Books and Quality Burrito on 4th Ave. in Downtown Olympia on Friday April 25th, between 5-9pm, and on Saturday, April 26th between 12pm and 4pm.
Don’t miss an exciting performance by Olympia’s own Holly Gwinn Graham, and other talented local performers in the Alley by the Free Wall behind the Capital Theater to celebrate the Olympia- Rafah Mural Project on Friday evening at 7pm.
For questions or volunteer opportunities, please contact +1-360-754-3998 or [email protected]