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When: Monday,January 12th at 7:00
Where: Orca Books, 509 E 4th Ave, Olympia, WA 98501
What: Alice will be speaking about her recently published book, On The Brink: Israel and Palestine on the Eve of the 2014 Gaza Invasion, a compelling collection of blog posts made during a fact-finding and solidarity visit to the West Bank and Israel encompassing the last three weeks of June 2014.
Alice Rothchild turns her powers of careful observation and her deep understanding of the consequences of racism and occupation into a lively, honest, heart breaking, collection of reports from the field. She documents the stories and lives that do not make the evening news, but are essential to understanding the context in which that news occurs. In 2014, On the Brink was published by Just World Books.
Who: Alice is an advocate for women’s health, physician, author, filmmaker and activist. She has dedicated a great amount of energy to understanding the Israel/Palestine conflict since retiring from her medical practice. Alice co-founded and co-chairs American Jews for a Just Peace-Boston, co-organizes the AJJP Health and Human Rights Project, and is on the coordinating committee of Jewish Voice for Peace-Boston.
For more information about Alice Rothchild visit www.alicerothchild.com
For event information and to purchase a copy of the book visit Orca Books