If your organization is seeking co-sponsorship or help with publicizing your event, please submit your request by filling out this form.
Check out the exhibit as it tours Washington state:
June 3 – 12
Phase 1 Classroom Building
668 N Riverpoint Blvd
Spokane, WA 99202
9 am-7 pm daily
June 13 – July 1
Odegaard Undergraduate Library
4060 George Washington Lane NE
Seattle, WA 98195
July 2 – 16
902 Market Street
Tacoma, WA 98402
Tuesday and Thursday: Noon to 6:00 pm
Friday through Sunday: 1:00 to 5:00 pm
(closed July 4)
Opening Reception:
Thursday, July 2, 4-6 pm
Featuring Beverly Naidus, art faculty at UWT, making a short presentation: Irresistible Resistance — Compelling Images of Art for Social Change
The exhibit features more than twenty boycotts including the Montgomery bus boycott, United Farm Workers’ grape and lettuce boycott, divestment from Apartheid in South Africa, the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions, and many others.
Activists and solidarity groups have often responded to injustices by implementing boycott and divestment campaigns targeting companies and governments that support and sustain these injustices—these posters have been a primary tool for educating around issues and inspiring people to action. These powerful posters serve as a platform for understanding the effectiveness of boycotts as a nonviolent tactic to end injustice and oppression.
Thanks to the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and Center for the study of Political Graphics (CSPG) for making these posters available!
Sponsored by the Rachel Corrie Foundation