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A Photographic Exhibition
Evergreen State College Library
Thursday, Oct. 17th
7:00 pm
Opening Reception with Muna Hamzeh,
Palestinian-American journalist and poet
and Cindy and Craig Corrie
The Israeli Coalition Against House Demolitions and the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice brings this exhibit to the Evergreen State College Library. The photographs are a collection of images compiled by Active Stills, an Israeli arts collective, about the situation for Palestinians living in Occupied East Jerusalem, where walls are built and homes are demolished through the expansion of the occupation of Palestinian land by Israel. Also on display are the poems of Mahmoud Darwish and Muna Hamzeh. This reflective exhibit promises to be challenging and provocative, raising important question about our own collective American identity and history.
Students Educating Students About the Middle East invites community members to the opening celebration of this gripping exhibit.The program for the evening will include a reading by Palestinian-American journalist and poet, Muna Hamzeh, author of Refugees in Our Own Land. For more info, contact [email protected], (360) 867-6724.
The exhibit continues through November 10.