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Two ‘masters of the written word’ on war and occupation
Where: Olympia, WA, Capitol Theater
206 5th Ave SE, Olympia, Thurston, Washington 98501
When: Sunday Nov. 4 at 5:00 PM
Tickets: Available at buyolympia.com and Rainy Day Records
This event brings together two masters of the written and spoken word, Dahr Jamail and Suheir Hammad, bearing witness to the violences of war and occupation in Iraq and Palestine.
Dahr Jamail will be speaking from his new book, Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq. He is described by Howard Zinn as “a superb journalist,” whose reporting “takes us past the lies of our political leaders, past the cowardice of the mainstream press, into the streets, the homes, the lives of Iraqis living under U.S. occupation.”
Suheir Hammad is a Palestinian spoken word Hip-Hop artist, best known for her award-winning performance in Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Jam on Broadway (2003). She has published three collections: Born Palestinian, Born Black; Drops of This Story; and Zaatar Diva. Her passionate performance captures cultural resistance to war, occupation, prisons, racism, dispossession, and gender inequality, while demonstrating the amazing ability to survive, to love, and to maintain hope through times of struggle.
This event is a benefit for The Rachel Corrie Foundation and the kick-off for the Olympia Film Festival’s Advocating Activism documentary series. The documentary film series will showcase films that “encourage and demonstrate participation in activism.”
Sunday, November 4, 2007, 5:00 PM
$10 general, $7 students & members
Tickets available at buyolympia.com and Rainy Day Records
Sponsors include The Rachel Corrie Foundation, SPSCC’s BRICK, and The Evergreen State College student organization, SESAME (Students Educating Students About the Middle East).