If your organization is seeking co-sponsorship or help with publicizing your event, please submit your request by filling out the following form.
Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural Project
Social Justice Bloc Party
Celebrate social justice with visual art, music, theatre, poetry, food and community organizations building strong movements for collective liberation.
Featuring visual art from Malachi Muncy, the Just Seeds Artist Collective, Assembly of Revolutionary Artists of Oaxaca with performances by the Old Growth Poetry Collective, Lennée Reid, Artesian Rumble Arkestra, Citizen’s Band, a Theatre of the Oppressed performance, an acrobatic performance, an open mic and Combat Papermaking demonstrations led by an artist and member of Iraq Veterans Against the War.
Stop by to learn about and connect with many of the area’s social justice organizations, including the Rachel Corrie Foundation, POWER, Coffee Strong, Stonewall Youth, the Black Student Union, Gateways for Incarcerated Youth, Center for Community Based Learning & Action, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Students for Justice in Palestine, Books to Prisoners and more!
Roots and Leaves of Solidarity, the Theatre of the Oppressed performance is seeking community organizers, cultural workers and activists to participate in a workshop April 17; 7-9pm, 18 & 19;10-5pm.Using the interactive tools of Theatre of the Oppressed, this workshop will focus on political organizing with intersectionality as a strategy. We will explore what it takes to build strong anti-racist, multi-class movements. Click here to RSVP or email [email protected].
Want to give a little extra? Volunteer with the mural during Arts Walk and beyond. Contact Sarah at sastockholm@gmail for more ways you can get involved in this local project.
Friday April the 24th
5-7 Social Justice Tabling
5:30- 6:30 Combat Paper Making
demo with Malachi Muncy
6:40 Artesian Rumble Arkestra
7:00 Roots & Leaves of Solidarity: Interactive Theatre of the Oppressed Performance
People’s History Performance:
Freedom Isn’t Free
8:30 Old Growth Poetry Collective Reading
9-10 Lennee Reid Poetry
& People’s Mic
Saturday April the 25th
1-2 Combat Paper Making
demo with Malachi Muncy
4:30-6 Procession of the Species